Barley for barley malt, step one in beer making.

Siphoning finished beer into bottles for our drinking pleasure.

Our beer making adventure (well mainly Bob's--I just drink the stuff) went well. We ended up with about five gallons of mighty-fine Broken Bushrat Amber.

Beer, chili and rhubarb cinnamon rolls make for a fine winter lunch. The garden was overflowing with rhubarb in the fall and the thought of letting it go to waste seemed ridiculous. We gathered it all up and froze it. And now we can enjoy such wonders as rhubarb rolls and rhubarb pie (below) any day of the week!

My first attempt at sourdough. I was thoroughly inspired after reading Margaret Murie's "Two in the Far North"-where she made sourdough every other day in the wildest of conditions. And yes it really wasn't hard at all. Why did I think it was for so long? Perhaps it had something to do with letting it "fester" for 5 days...Well the end result was quite good and now we have sourdough starter, forever (if we want it that long).

Spaghetti and Neatballs-yes I said NEATballs. That's when instead of using meat you throw in any old thing that sticks together and bake them.

Not the purttiest carrots but they tasted great!

Our friend the Peter Pan watchman, otherwise known as John, gave us some of last years King crab catch. The thought never crossed our minds to save some for later hence there was some pain afterwards. But my were they delicious!
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