Monday, April 21, 2008

Falconidae vs. Corvidae

On a recent excursion to the cliffs of the Palisades we spotted ravens guarding what turned out to be a nest, in a chamber high on the rock face. They were flying back and forth and crying out, quite disturbed by our presence. As we started heading on a pair of peregrine falcons entered the territory and the fight was on! At one point a peregrine made a dash towards the raven's nest and one of the ravens flew like a bullet into the chamber to guard the nest while the other made a fierce attack on the guilty peregrine. Our friend Jacobus was visiting at this time and had brought his spotting scope. We had an awesome view. These antics went on for 10 minutes!

1 comment:

John Pelafigue said...

They're all good shots of the birds, but the knife-edge head-on view of the Peregrine is Killer!