Inde is our constant companion. She believes, I see it in her eyes, that she is one of us.

The greenhouse makes her slightly uncomfortable. She will only enter briefly to check in on us and inspect our progress. She has a soft heart, perhaps the killing of slugs is too much for her.

Typical. Inde has no mind for small tasks. She does however, love the feel of the tundra beneath her.

That is one blissful dog.

This is the spot where Inde spies her "tag you're it" friend the fox. I think she is on the lookout. He hasn't come around much since he made the mistake of visiting during Inde's meal time. She has no patience for that and told him so.

Those of you who know Inde, know this pose only too well. It usually follows any slight touch.

The kitchen is her boundary in the house. She has tried to push this but we remain firm even when she gives us those eyes.
Inde is having a blast here in Alaska. Besides encountering the fox, she has met all kinds of new animals. Last week a caribou, from a distance. Yesterday on a walk she was heading out in the water to chase birds, and a seal popped half way out of the water a few feet from her. The seal was looking for some play perhaps but Inde was too focused on those harlequin ducks to pay the seal any mind. This interest in birds is newly found. Previously, Inde would only concern herself with squirrels, rabbits and the like. About a week ago she "discovered" the birds and now she has a new obsession.
1 comment:
Was the fox an Arctic fox or Red fox (Vulpes vulpes). I imagine arctic foxes are a bit north of you. Inde looks like alot of fun. a companion and early warning system for (Ursa arctos). I enjoy living through you and your experiences. Try and key out some of those tundra species. Cheers, Joe
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