Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Birds pt. 5: the hungry months

March in the millenial-old Unangan language is "Qisagunix" or, "month when people shiver from cold and are hungry." The people do fine now, but the weather that brought about the name still grips the land and many of the other locals (though not all) still struggle with the dirth.

Here a magpie has found food, what I couldn't tell. First one eagle takes notice and command.

In comes another. This second eagle has a brown brow and patchy-brown crown which may indicate a recent molting from 4-yr old juvenile into the pure white adult. If you follow the brown brow, you'll see that the first eagle retains it's find and is the one who flies off with it.

(as with all the pictures, you can click on these to see them closer)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like an upside down sculpin or irish lord fish head that the eagles are fighting over.
Have the eagles started to nest on the pinnacle on the beach between the house and Einar's cabin to the south? You should stay the summer to photo document the hatching of the eggs!
:) Shelly