Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rounding Sentinel 1

We had been planning on this hike to circumnavigate Sentinal Peak for some time. The weather promised to be sunny and the winds reasonable so we headed out early afternoon. Our days are much longer now and we have light until after 9 pm.

Heading up from the house was easier than usual as the snow has firmed over from the sunny days and cold nights. It was our quickest hike up so far. We'd like to think it was fast due to our increased stamina but we know that is not the case.

Looking west at Unimak Island from near the ridge top

Entering the Sankin watershed

Looking down and out to Sankin Beach. After crossing the ridge on the north side of Sentinal we headed down into this valley and followed the stream towards the beach. It was really beautiful, quiet and peaceful, and out of the persistent winds of the open tundra.

The stream is followed by alder thickets all the way out. There were signs of huge numbers of ptarmigan (accompanied by fox tracks) but no sight or sound of them.

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